Friday, June 06, 2008

Don't Do It Richie Rich!

Heatherette's Richie Rich is striking out on his own.

The flamboyant partner of flamboyant club kid label Heatherette is collaborating on an apparel collection with Hot Topic. You know, that cheesy, pseudo-emo retail chain that Perez Hilton just teamed up with for his clothing line.

No offense to Richie Rich or Perez -- both of whom are hilarious -- but Hot Topic is somewhere real designers should stay away from, no matter how mass market you want to go.

Plus, I'm just sad that Richie is doing something without Traver.


I'm Lovin' it: It's Cafe Medina work morning! And VRBF!! Oh no! I'm wired off of Americano! Again!!!

I'm Over it: Why is it that fairly clean bums always use the line, "I'm not homeless, I'm just travelling through and need some change for train fare..." Like today, a sorta raggedy dude bounded up to me as soon as I pulled my wallet to pay a street meter and waved his decade-old cellphone, as if trying to prove to me he's not homeless. Good thing I only had enough change for the meter, so at least I wasn't lying.

Band Name of the Day: Does It Offend You, Yeah?. Hilarious! I also dig their track We Are Rockstars.

* Photo property of and is used solely for commentary purposes


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