Friday, February 01, 2008

TGIF Because...

1. I'm tired of these goshdarn computer glitches I've been dealing with the last hour.

2. Then I have an excuse to lay in bed the entire day, trying to get rid of this effin' cold, without having to think of work (except for my Style Spy deadline).

3. It's my girl Sangria's birthday celebration tonight -- and it's gonna be a doozy. Time to load up on the daytime cold and sinus meds.

4. I really, really, really, want to rock the outfit all picked out and laying on my bed.

5. Sunday is Superbowl. Go Patriots! And Tom Brady.

6. New York Fashion Week mayhem has already begun.

Now to take a wee little nap before tonight's festivities. Till the next time!

Haute Hippie

* Photo property of Great Ganesha and is used solely for commentary purposes


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