Marie, Marie Quite Contrary
I don't care what Ebert & Roeper say. I really really liked Sofia Coppola's Marie Antionette.
Saw it last night with rather low expectations -- due to the infamous booing at Cannes Film Festival and a slew of other scathing movie reviews -- and came out a bit of a fan. The AMC Theatre was rather empty, I must say. It was me, my friend, two men (huh?) and two couples. Those expecting a lot of regal speak and long monologues can steer clear. This is definitely a Sofia Coppola film: a great soundtrack, long long looks and eye gazes that convey a flood of emotion (almost to the point of making one slightly was all very Lost In Translation) and, by god, were the costumes spectaculargorgeousbreathtaking!!
Usually, I'm not a Kiki Dunst fan but the kid did good this time. I actually really liked her take on Marie Antoinette -- charming, coquettish, spunky, utterly loyal (most of the time, save for the romps with Keira Knightley-ex Jamie Dornan's character) and rather real. You definitely feel for the girl, thrown into the French court at the tender age of 14 and married to a husband that took nearly five or six years to consummate the marriage. Blue balls much?! Her husband Louis -- played by a enchantingly tubby Jason Schwartzman -- had worried, puppy-dog eyes the entire time but it was somehow endearing. Rose Byrne made a fantastically beautiful and funny drunkard lady-in-waiting and Rip Torn had his character acting down as the king of France. Molly Shannon was also in the mix, playing catty French royalty and Asia Argento bristled as the slovenly mistress of the king. The two adorable blonde-haired, blue-eyed munchkins who played Marie Antoinette's children were so adorable, it was practically a crime.
The bustles, the castle, the fountain, the country manor, the entire set, the wigs, the hats, the boleros, the gowns, the much eye candy! Kirsten Dunst forever looked like either a doll or a French pastry, both of which are equally delectable. Though the scenes did begin to drag on a bit in the end, I turned out to be a fan. If you liked Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet, you'll no doubt like this candy confection of a film.
I'd buy the DVD. And the soundtrack. And that gorgeous sheer white bolero in scene 16.
Long live the Queen.

I'm Lovin' it: The fact that my work thought it was my birthday today (though it's six months away), sending a cute Hallmark e-card and posting a "Happy Birthday!" MySpace comment. It's always nice to get well wishes, I suppose! Oh, and the fact I met Nelly Furtado while hanging out on a tour bus last Friday night. She's sweet and teeny tiny with a little bit of a booty for such a slight thing. That was my first and last time being a groupie.
I'm Over it: The brouhaha over Her Madge-esty Madonna adopting an african baby boy. So the kid's cute -- but never as cute as Rocco Ricci!
Track of the Day: "I Want Candy" by Bow Wow Wow. See Marie Antoinette and you'll know what I mean. Oh, and the fact that candy is one of my biggest vices. Besides shoe shopping and Sephora browsing, of course.
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