Lucy In The Sky With Ruffles
So it's a well known fact that socialite designers are about as ubiquitous as celebrity designers.
Why, you so cleverly ask?
Because through the world of Vogue (socialites are quite often among Wintour's minions), websites like New York Social Diary, and blogs such as A Socialite's Life, these uber-privileged ladies who lunch -- with their buttery perfect blonde hair, rail thin arms, and endless supply of borrowed couture -- have somehow become celebrities. Case and point: Tinsley Mortimer, who not only gets photographed by Patrick MacMullan at all the proper NYC events/galas, but also walked a Heatherette show (for once trading her side-pinned hair for gorgeously wild sexpot curls). Heatherette and the Upper East Side don't really go hand in hand, but leave it to ole Tinsley to make it that way.
The "perfect" socialite, however, has to be Lucy Sykes Rellie. Not only is she one half of the famed Brit Sykes sisters (Plum is the other, you know of Bergdorf Blondes and Wintour minion fame), she has a dashing husband named Euan (who is either gay or so metrosexual it's nearly crime), a cutie-pie son named Heathcliff (yeah, thumbs down on the name though), press all over the place for just being Lucy, and her own children's clothing line, which has now expanded into a women's collection.
And I just love some of her pieces.

Oh Mrs. Rellie, must be so nice having a butt-load of money, a dapper husband, modelesque physique, and design talent.
Why must the rich have EVERYTHING?!
I'm Lovin' it: Sprinkles cupcakes. Had one after my interview for 944 Magazine with alice + olivia's Stacey Bendet, and I swear every guest at my future wedding is getting one before they go home. It may be awhile for that, though, y'all.
I'm Over it: Happy hours that don't go past 7 pm. I should be able to order a vodka soda with a crab mac 'n' cheese every hour on the hour at the Belmont.
Track of the Day: "Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland. This is SO the jam to define my summer of 2006. After going on baby hiatus, Canadian gal Nelly (go Canada go!) is back at it with rock hard abs and some fly music. As Ali G would say, "Respect!"
* photo property of
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