Thursday, January 06, 2011

Happy New Year! It's 2011.

I recently did a Sweetspot city editor post on some city-centric New Year's resolutions, as opposed to me-centric ones like the year before.

In the post, I talked about how I always seem to be debating with friends, just before New Year's Day comes, on the merits of writing resolutions. Half my pals think it's hogwash, the other half thinks it's good for the mind and soul.

I, for the record, agree with the latter. Resolutions and I are quite good friends, and we enjoy each other's company at the beginning of each 365 day round.

People tend to prattle off the usual, like losing weight, reading more, drinking less. This year, my good friend @vlitwin gave me his resolutions in themes instead of points, a refreshing and succinct way of looking at them.

He had three: Reset. Joy. Attention.

This exchange, of course, got me thinking of mine in themes, and I've decided on a few: Activation. Follow Through. Fulfillment. Charity. Journey.

And that's what's so beautiful about a brand new year, that chance to rethink (or add more) themes to your life. Never is a second of your existence the same as the last or will it be the same as the next. I suppose that's why they tell you to make each moment count.

To everyone out there, here's to amazing year of new themes and precious moments.

And to making every second count, of course.

Haute Hippie

* Photo property of May Globus and is used solely for commentary purposes


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