Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Spy Vs. Spy

Before becoming a Los Angeleno two years ago -- and subsequently reverting back to a Vancouverite -- I didn't really don the shades that much.

Being an Angeleno changed that all. You practically live with sunglasses covering your face down south, 'cause no one likes being blinded by the beating, scorching SoCal sun reflecting off the sizzling 405 Freeway asphalt.

The little habit I acquired in La-La Land certainly transplanted itself here up north -- I wear my aviators everywhere. In fact, I came home yesterday and began to cook myself a little dinner before realizing they were still perched on my nose. Whoopsie.

This weekend, while hightailing it to Spanish Banks with Trev C., Ry H. and crew for some suntanning, I extolled the virtuous and sexiness of men in Spy sunglasses. There's something about the brand that's incredibly hot -- thank god they put out kickin' styles for the ladies, as well.

Sun, sand, surf and Spy: the ulimate summertime combination.

I'm Lovin' it: During a magically delicious breakfast of english muffins smothered in PB & J with T.C. on Saturday, I was asked how I come up with topics for my little bloggy-blog. Quite honestly, a lot of the time I get inspiration from random things, especially random people. That's why I love sites like The Sartorialist, Facehunter and Seeing the incredible, eclectic style of others is muse enough for me to keep doing what I'm doing -- and to continue taking as many fashion risks as I can.

I'm Over it: Bangs that grow out too fast. I just got some cute sideswept ones last week, and they already need a trim. At least my salon clips them in between your major haircuts for free. Except for the $5 feeling-guilty tip I give whomever does the trim -- can't be a cheapskate like that, you know.

Track of the Day: "The Kill Tone Two" by Odd Nosdam, the musical artist having been born with the decidedly caucasian name of David Madson. This track is a very cool electronica, monotone hip hop mix of sounds, sounds, sounds. I think some of the best music out there has auditory surprise every couple phrases. Much like this tune.

* Photos property of,,, and are used solely for commentary purposes


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