Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tippin' My Hat To You

One of the best things about a long weekend with no internet in my apartment is that I actually feel like I've been on vacation -- from the world wide web and work, the latter being very, very closely tied to cyberspace (aka. emails).

Another great thing about a long weekend is something I like to call inebriated shopping, something I'd never done before, but got "coerced" into by Phyll C. and her super fun friend Jen. Inebriated shopping -- in my world -- goes down as follows:

1. Receive 11 am text from girl friend RE: shopping.

2. Hop in the shower and get prettily primped for buying shiny new things for the closet.

3. Watch an episode of Sex And The City while waiting for friends to pick your hungry arse up.

4. Slide into the car, realizing said friends are already tipsy from having a few caesars beforehand.

5. Find an awesome noshing joint in Gastown called Chill Winston and promptly get seated on the fabulous patio.

6. Immediately order a white sangria, then browse through menu while admiring the server's wicked haircut.

7. Decide on the shrimp salad on a croissant with shoestring fries -- and another white sangria.

8. Get super tanned and buzzed for the next two hours.

9. Pay bill, then instantly make yourself grin huge by heading into Hitz Boutique where you find the most perfect straw Hedy fedora with red and white polka dot sash around the brim top.

10. Repeatedly thank the shop owner for making your day by having the newly-purchased Billabong fedora in their store -- you'd been searching for the past month with no success until that fated moment.

11. Amble into favorite store One Of Few and find out they're opening another store called Two Of A Few next door that will carry menswear, exclusive One Of A Few labels and oodles of shoes.

12. Drool over the blue and white lace Fremont vest that's on sale.

13. Put it back with a big sigh.

14. Hit up other major Gastown boutiques, then head over to Robson to do more damage.

15. Call it a day after another two hours. The buzz is beginning to wear off and the fatigue is setting in fairly quick.

16. Toddle home to apartment with fedora in hand and smile on face.

I'm Lovin' it: Long weekends filled with hack session-watching (Dan T, Mikey J, Tom Tom and Pauly rule that world), Spanish Banks beaching, Saturday nights at Lola's in Kits (I may need a refresher course on that particular evening), Canada Day BBQ-ing with friends and food, buzzed shopping, late night welcome back chats with my just-returned-from-San-Diego roomie Steffie D. and sleeping in.

I'm Over it: This is-it-or-is-it-not-sunny-outside summer we're having here in Vancity. Damn global warming is seriously eff-ing up my summer.

Band of the Day: Last Friday, one of my projects du jour was to find bands and music -- basically come up with a soundtrack -- for a home trends book we're putting together for one of our clients. A little reading on Pitchfork led me on the path of UK band The Clientele, comprised of Alasdair MacLean, Mark Keen and James Hornsey. They're the musical equivalent to Salvador Dali: mega-trippy, pyschedelic and completely surreal. In an indie kinda way.


* Photos property of dianesbeachwear.com, carlsandburgvisits.blogspot.com and are used solely for commentary purposes


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