Monday, July 09, 2007

Protect Ya Neck

Last week, I dug up my beloved wood and burnished gold ovals Arden B. necklace with dangle that I acquired from an in-store event we did for them, in conjunction with VOGUE, a few years back.

Though I had a douchebag of an ex-boyfriend call it fish lure -- which it totally does NOT look like at all (and there's one good reason he's an ex) -- I still loved it to death, wearing it nearly every single day.

That is until last week because, um yeah, I broke it. Taking it off from around my neck.

This means I'm currently on the hunt -- in tears, of course -- for a replacement. Most of the ones below are from Shop Bop and an Escapularios Saint necklace (though I'm not particularly religious, in fact, completely non-denominational) from Steven Alan.

Here are some that I have ALMOST captured my heart:

I'm Lovin' it: My fantastic weekend. Nothing beat a great girls' night out dinner with my bestie Sushi and some other girlfriends in Yaletown on Friday night, pre-drinks at Kenzo and Mikey's after and followed by more bevys at my new favorite wateringhole Chill Winston (apparently the name was taken from a scene from a Guy Ritchie flick, my boss Ren told me). Saturday was also a full day, with a Monet To Dali morning with some of the T. Camp crew at the Vancouver Art Gallery, followed by the beach tanning at Spanish Banks, an ensuing BBQ at Luker's and then a rocking building party for my girl Aggs, who's heading off the Berlin very soon to pursue a fabulous career as a fashion photog. Sunday was lazy, lazy lazy -- as it should be always! Rolled out of bed at nearly 1 pm (not a usual thing pour moi), then headed over to meet my haggard building party friends for some lunch/brunch and outside lounging in an East Van park. Another BBQ followed at Tang's -- complete with watermelon for dessert and a root beer to wash it all down. Then I high-tailed it home and got some incredible guilty pleasure watching Columbus Short tear up the dance floor in "Stomp The Yard". I wish every day could be exactly like the weekend I just had.

Oh, and I can't get over how my buddy Shaft is now my dentist. Saw him this morning for a teeth cleaning and check up -- he's an excellent dentist, by the way -- and couldn't help getting flashbacks of first year university, when he saved my life in the dorm stairwell, the victim of being overly ambitious with screwdrivers. A total no-no when you arrive at uni completely alcohol-intolerant. Thanks Dr. Kara, you're the reason I made it all the way to twenty, um, something...

I'm Over it: This work day is OVA.

Track of the Day: Too tired to lay down a track for y'all. I'll try doubling it up tomorrow, m'kay kids??

* Photos property of, and are used solely for commentary purposes


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