Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Always On Time

My life has been so crazy hectic of late, I can't seem to keep my to-do list in order, if even existent from lack of time to jot things down.

I figured that maybe, just maybe, I need to invest in an agenda or notebook of some sort -- trying to keep a schedule in my head is just not working for me.

Mateo Ilasco has some pretty darn cute, confectionary-colored books in limited editions that would be so fun to take out of my new-ish red and gold bag (which I can't stop wearing these days).

Good things Holts gave me that Links of London pen last week -- silver goes with everything, no?

I'm notorious for piling my plate high with things to keep me busy on daily, weekly and monthly basis, but at least Mateo Ilasco will see me through it all.

I'm Lovin' it: Designs blogs. Of all shapes, sizes, writing styles and templates. I -- among other product design whores -- especially like Design*Sponge, which also recently launched its own Podcast. Since starting with CRU, I've developed a major crush on design, which is very closely related to fashion. One need only look at all the fashion 'n' design world mash-ups of late. Kind of like Girl Talk, but much prettier to look at (no offense, Gregg Gillis, you're still hipster cute).

I'm Over it: When people say no to me. Call me a brat, call me a baby, call me whatever you want, but let's be honest here -- who really likes hearing that word said to them with such absolute-ness?? Not I. Especially when you:

a) want something


b) are simply not used to it.

Art of the Day: This 1985 sketch drawing entitled "Brigitte Bardot Shopping In Shorts" by Karen Kilimnik. The very matter-of-fact title makes it that much more interesting -- nothing abstract, nothing too fluffy. It is what it is, which is really refreshing.

Laugh of the Day: A cabbie in China wanted to "go green" -- and stay cool in his taxi. So he decided to plant a little plot of grass on the roof of his vehicle, with the knowledge in mind that grass is cooling and thus, would keep everything below it at a comfortable, more bearable temperature. Introducing the winner of America's Top Inventor...

* Photos property of designsponge.blogspot.com, mateoillasco.com, nytimes.com, treehugger.com


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