Gimme Some Kimchi
No, no. I'm not talking about kimchi, the pungent Korean pickled cabbage.
I'm talking about the brand Kimchi & Blue: off-center and quirky, yet cute. Not to mention slightly on the junior trendy side. And resident out-of-house clothing label darling of Urban Outfitters, the ultimate store for trend fixes.
Here are some K & B styles to whet your style palette:
PS. I'm SO getting the blouse in image #1. Don't try and stop me.
I'm Lovin' it: The upcoming January issue of Vogue Magazine with Angelina Jolie, fashionably ringing in 2007 with a glorious bang and her beautiful mug on the cover. We know she's gorgeous beyond comprehension. Now it's time to finally hear her dish about her main man: Brad!
I'm Over it: Stressing over how many sweaters, coats, boots, tights and hats I have to pack in less than two weeks for my trip to Vancouver. I have a gut feeling my baggage will be thisclose to being over the allowable weight limit. That'll be another $40 - $50. Oy!
Album Buy of the Week: "Stars of CCTV" by Hard-Fi. These blokes from the U.K. range from danceable to emo. I traispsed into Tower Records with my friend C. yesterday, trying to kill some time while waiting for a table at Cheesecake Factory. While distracted by a daydream of my upcoming order of chicken madeira, I somehow bought this very yellow album. Alright. No more excuses for buying so much vinyl...I've wanted this one for weeks. I'm a Tower Records junkie. Check out track #7 -- it's a cross between Coldplay and Keane during one of their ballads. And most everyone knows they're also from England. Is there musical genre cohesion happening across the pond??

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