The (Dirt) Devil In Us All
I have a love/dislike (the word "hate" is a little harsh in this context) relationship with Dirt Devil vacuum cleaners.
I dislike DDs -- and not the chest size, people -- because the Dyna Power 26.0 that my roomie E. and I bought less than eight months ago has already burned through its belt and is pretty much kaput.
I love DDs because of the new handheld Kone, created exclusively for Dirt Devil by design guru Karim Rashid.
The sleek, minimalistic, cone-shaped (hence the name) style makes the Kone easy to display -- don't be surprised if people think it's a modern art piece of some kind. Sorry, the champagne shade is sold out for the season but there's still stark white, royal blue, plum purple, hush pink and ebony black to choose from. The Target on the corner of Highland and Santa Monica Boulevard still has a few left on its shelves so if you like the Kone, get crackin'!
It may not be an ice cream cone, but it's a close runner-up.

I'm Lovin' it: This military-inspired coat by Via -- in black, of course. It's about to become my new winter coat for "The Trip" I've been talking about forever. The final seal on the deal? Victoria's Secret is shipping items over $100 for free on two-day express. Not bad considering what it normally would cost. Oh yeah, the mega sale they're having, too, is more icing on the cake.

I'm Over it: Demeter Fragrances actually created a Play Doh scent. I had the dishonor of sniffing it at the Ulta location on Highland. It's olfactory hell.

Album Buy Of The Day: My first errand of the day consisted of going to Best Buy and purchasing the "Songs To Live And Die By" album from 8mm, like I promised in my last post. Played it from start to finish. I may not be Billboard or Rollingstone, but this one gets a four-point-five out of five musical stars.
* Photos property of,,
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