Sunday, May 02, 2010

The Neverending Story.

It's a lazy Sunday night, and I'm ready to hit the hay fairly early.

It was a nice to surprise to turn on the boobtube to find Bastian reading up on Atreyu saving the Childlike Empress of Fantastic from The Nothing, that evil dark force sucking the life out of the pretty princess.

Apparently most of the movie was filmed in Germany, but Bastian's scenes were filmed in Vancouver.

This movie is amazing. Atreyu slogs through a whole lot of mud during his quest, though. Poor guy.

In the wise words of Falcor: "Never give up, and good luck will find you."

(Sorry Dev and Double J -- I'm way too wrapped up in Atreyu saving Fantasia, so looks like I'm going raincheck on boogying tonight.)


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