Kaskade-ing Tears Of Joy
So I was majorly bummed when I realized Kaskade was rolling into L.A. earlier this month while I was still in Vancouver.
Now that I'm a Vancouverite -- and since I just gave this 'Frisco Bay area DJ a shout-out in a recent "Artist of the Day" -- I couldn't have been any happier to find out (via The Georgia Strait) that Kaskade is playing this February 22nd at Caprice Nightclub downtown, presented by Nordic Trax.
Tickets are only $25 and get sold out like that, so get on it.
"It's you, it's me" and it's Kaskade* on February 22nd.
* The boy's pretty fly lookin', too!
Kaskade performing "It's You, It's Me" at Sol in NYC

* Photo property of clubzone.com
i thought i was pretty "fly lookin'?"....lol
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