The Devil Wears Anna
Some consider a highlight to their day being the sun shining outside on a typically rainy day. Or a running into an old friend. Or getting a smile on the street from a complete stranger. Or getting flowers on a random day from that special someone.
The highlight of my Thursday, February 1st, 2007?
This extremely interesting New York Times article on the one and only Anna Wintour.
Hate her or love her, if you know your fashion, one just can't help but worship Anna.
Even just a l'il bit.

I'm Lovin' it: Despite my sore back today, yesterday's Cardio Kickbox class was the bomb. I expect firm, taut abs by springtime. As long as I lay off my favorite "healthy" dessert -- bananas 'n' apples drizzled in caramel -- after 7 pm.
I'm Over it: Missing The Roots show tonight at The Commodore. I saw those Craigslist ticket scalper prices! I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and watch "Ugly Betty" on the boob-tube this evening. Which is not such a bad thing, I suppose.
Track of the Day: Anything and everything Bloc Party. For all you fellow fans in Vancity, they're playing at the Orpheum Theatre on March 12th, 7:30 pm. Better start getting your "So Here We Are", "Banquet" and "This Modern Love" lyrics straight.
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