GAP Toothed
Yesterday evening, I got the chance to take a look at the new GAP collection for Spring/Summer 2009, as well as the CFDA collection (at Campagnolo, a great new restaurant along the north side of Main).
My wish came true!
Alexander Wang has indeed done a few pieces for the new khaki-based CFDA line. Wang did a pair of shorts, a pair of high-waisted and pleated pants (think mom pants, but cooler), a short jacket and a longer one. Vena Cava did two very Vena Cava-like dresses, and Albertus Swanepoel (South African-born hat designer) did a few bucket hats, some with feathers.
Overall, I was impressed with the new collection -- lots of brights, cute bathing suits, printed dresses, colored denim, good flats, and some very adorable purple shorts I was eyeing quite heavily. I'll post images of the look book once I figure out why the camera on my iPhone isn't working.
Apres-GAP, Seems and I bolted over to the L'Altro Buca opening, a homey gem of a restaurant hidden in the West End. The place was packed, and I got to see my girl Reebs (who I found out owns those Loeffler Randall heels I love so much!) and Craig, formerly of The Commodified and now an editor at Monte Cristo, an upscale regional lifestyle magazine.
Many thanks to Tara at the GAP for the lovely new scarf!
Haute Hippie
I'm Lovin' it: This Gustto Riveria bag from Fall '09. Python embossed leather and hardware?! Yeeeeeesss. Love the handle, too. Argh, wish I could be in NYC for the press event.
I'm Over it: To the people who stole both Seems' and my umbrella from Sakana last night: shame on you. Karma's a b%*&ch!
Track of the Day: "Science Fiction" by French Miami.
* Photos property of Gustto, and is used solely for commentary purposes
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